The First Pictures from Our Big Ride
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Here are our first three picture from the Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS 2002

We are crossing a dam on a small backroad on the first day

Road Kill L S R Style!
The night before the riders start out the route marking crew drive the route and put up signs and mark hazzards in the road for the riders. This includes road kill.
Andrews, the route marking crew manager, said the idea just hit him as he drew the circle around the animal with spray chalk.

Imagine riding over a hill top in a hot dry miserable section of road. At the bottom of the hill there is a black lump with a pink stripe circled. As you come closer you see that its a Dead Skunk with a PINK stripe!!

Andrews idea gave all the riders a great big laugh on a hot grueling leg of the ride. It was the subject of jokes and remarks for the entire ride, even the closing! Great Job Andrews!